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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Symbolism of Whale Tail & Dolphin Jewelry

The whale, in many cultures, is seen as a symbol of good luck, speed, strength, freedom and joy within. Whales were considered sacred in Russian, Slavic, Arabian and Chinese mythology.  In Native American Cultures, the Tlingit, Nootka and Haida tribes see whales as a symbol of strength and speed. Whales have always been an important religious symbol, and in fact, statues of Buddha in Tibet are often accompanied by whale figures.

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Dolphins are also a powerful symbol in many cultures and religions. Christian symbolism shows the dolphin as a figure of well-being. Ancient Greek legends state that the dolphin is responsible for carrying the souls of the dead to the island of the blessed. To the Greeks, the dolphin symbolised kingship, authority, strength, dominion, freedom, intelligence, compassion and fatherly protection over the sea, as well as love, friendliness, playfulness, sensuality, desire, exploration, curiosity, attraction and joy. In Celtic animal symbolism, the dolphin was a highly honored creature as it was seen as the protector of sacred wells and water. The dolphin, to the Celtic mind, is the watcher of the waters.

Here at the Crystal Pineapple we offer a variety of items both whale and dolphin. Not only do the figures make for beautiful pieces of jewelry, but they also symbolize such endearing qualities that you will have to smile every time you look down at your gorgeous new pendant or bracelet. Pictured here are just a few of the pieces we have in our shop. Visit our website or call us at 508.362.1330 for more information.

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